
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Empire Avenue Benefits

Promote your business using Empire Avenue

Gain exposure, followers and name recognition.

Empire Avenue is a terrific tool for getting your brand and name out there in the social realm.  If you're starting out in the "work from home" chapter in your life, congratulations on making such a life changing decision.  Working from home is rewarding and quite challenging.  Not knowing necessarily where your next check is coming from takes a lot of confidence in yourself and your abilities.  If you find yourself with a limited budget, Empire Avenue is one tool I would encourage you to check out to promote yourself, and your business.

Empire Avenue is an online "stock market" of other marketers and social media folks.  Many, many of the top marketers in social media are Empire Avenue members or may have gotten their start using Empire Avenue.  To play the game you basically buy and sell other players stock and complete "Missions" to gain additional "eaves" (the virtual currency used in EA).

At this point you may be asking yourself what this has to do with advertising and promoting your business.  Simple... you create missions to reward other players for completing your missions, seeing your offers, blog, products or whatever you are promoting, and possibly sharing your "stuff" with their followers.  The very epitome of "social media" and social proof.

How it works; to begin with you must have some social accounts.  These can be Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google +, Instagram or whatever.  You create posts using your social accounts and post "Missions" offering others "eaves" for interacting with your posts.

For example, you might tweet (#Twitter) about a new product.  You would create a Mission offering a reward to Empire Avenue members for viewing your tweet.  That's your first exposure.  The mission taker, should they like your offer, the mission taker might retweet and / or favorite your tweet and get you additional exposure.  Your tweet gets retweeted to thousands, maybe tens or hundreds of thousands of people and it cost you nothing but "virtual" currency.

It might sound complicated but it's actually quite simple.  Here's a video overview to walk you through the process.  I didn't spend hardly any time on creating this video but you will get the point of how to create and execute a mission.

Hope you see the value of joining Empire Avenue.  Let me know when you do.  Please use my affiliate link to join


  1. Empire Avenue is a lot of fun. I think more people should use it. I'm a part of a HUGE blogging community and almost none of them use it. It's a shame.

    Thank you for sharing! There really are a lot of benefits to using EAV.

  2. Empire Avenue is quite realistic but very challenging when you have just a standard account.
