Cost: Nothing
You don't have to buy anything, you don't have to buy other players.
Expected outcome: [X]Pendapalooza connects the social media expert, the business owner, the average and the great at what they do to form a collective and effective networking opportunity
The [X]PendaPalooza 14, which was conducted April 25-24, 2014 attracted over 1,000 players according to Omar Habayeb (e)EDUPRENEUR. Overall a sampling of 13 players after that event showed an overall stock price increase of 6.86%. The sampled participants did include a cross-section representative of the overall makeup of Empire Avenue players.
If you play and invest in others you will see your stock value and bank balance rise. That's an absolute. And this gives you more eaves, the virtual currency used on Empire Avenue, to fund more missions, to buy other players or to purchase upgrades.